Comic Shops, Bookstores, Flea Markets and More...
OWNER: Jeremy Gartner
ADDRESS: 1143 Henderson Highway, Winnipeg, Manitoba
PHONE: (204) 338-5216
Location History
October 2020 - Present: 1143 Henderson Highway
- October 2020: 1109 Henderson Highway
1991 - 1996: ?? Gateway Avenue
"Large collection of vhs and dvd animes you can buy or rent. They have a large manga (graphic novel) section, and plenty of other interesting things, such as action figures."
"Established in 1991 as Winnipeg's finest source for COMIC BOOKS, BOARD GAMES, TOYS, & MANY OTHER COLLECTIBLES. Additional Information As an established and professional Comic and Collectibles store based in the North Kildonan, we have been providing our customers with new and old trading cards, toys, graphic novels and more for the past 22 years. Visit our website and check out our calendar of upcoming events and new products." - Facebook Description
Photo Credit: Google Street View
Updated: 2021.05.15